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We're saying goodbye to our Heroes!

We're saying goodbye to our Heroes!

The team at TRUESTART HQ have some news to share. Brace yourself... it's a toughie!

We've decided to discontinue the TRUESTART Hero bars.

But... WHY?!

This hasn't been an easy decision, but one we've made as part of our renewed focus on what we do best - incredible, energising coffee that makes you feel amazing!

OK I get it *wipes tear from cheek*, so what's next?

We have some really exciting new products launching this summer and want to say a massive THANK YOU for your continued support as we grow into the world's #1 energising coffee brand. We honestly couldn't do this without out you and the rest of #TEAMTRUESTART.

And remember... sometimes good things need to end for even better things to begin!

Much love, 

Simon and Helena


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