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Brilliant Women and Their Tribes

Brilliant Women and Their Tribes

The only way to attract YOUR people is to be yourself. If you pretend to be someone else, your tribe won't have vibes at all!  Well they will, just someone else's. YOUR TRIBE GETS YOU. THEY JUST DO. So be vibey ☀️ Whatever that means for you 🌈❤

We're showcasing a variety of brilliant women and their tribes - to prove that anyone can build an ace tribe of people that they love being around, by putting out a vibe that resonates and is true to them.

We asked them: In your own words, what is your vibe? 

Helena Hills | Co-Founder of TrueStart 

"I'm a persistently optimistic person, combined with serious graft. I love giving things a go and prodding that flutter of restlessness in people. I have a ton of energy and love to give, which I like to think spills over to the people around me. I want to prove that you can have an impact and make a change, by building a genuinely feel good coffee brand that pushes the industry forward but doesn't compromise on ethics. I hope that being transparent about our journey encourages people to do their own thing, and also encourages people to be respectful of each other's journey's through life, because we're all in it together ultimately!"

 Lucy Greenwood | Co-Founder of Lucy & Yak 


“I’m not a perfectionist, I love raw reality! I also believe that things just ‘happen’ to us, life moves forward every second without us controlling it, and the more you let things happen the more beautiful life is. As humans we love to try and control our surroundings, but in reality we can’t, we just think we can, as soon as you realise this, that is when the magic happens! I embrace change, I love waking up not knowing where the day will take me, and without expectations it’s impossible for things to go ‘wrong’. I also believe kindness is the only thing we should strive for, be kind to everyone, even someone that you think doesn’t deserve it, because let’s face it, you don’t know their story, and we all have a story!
Your vibe really does attract your tribe, all of our customers, team and suppliers are some of the kindest humans I have ever met, and our tribe is growing every single day!"


Beth Noy |  Founder of Plastic Freedom

"I am a ‘normal’ person and I love to prove that anyone can make a difference when you put your mind to it! I want everyone to know how strong they are and how much power they have as an individual! I will continue to fight and inspire with happiness and positivity showing the good days, the hard days and all the highs and lows of running a business/fighting for a cause to encourage everyone to keep going!"

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